7-9 MARCH, 2022 VALENCIA (SPAIN) | SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT NOW » Deadline: 18th of November, 2021 |
Dear colleague,
You are invited to join the 16th edition of INTED, one of the largest international conferences for lecturers, educational researchers and technologists.
For the last 15 years, INTED conferences have been held as both in-person and virtual events, welcoming more than 700 participants in the field of education. Last March 2021, due to the COVID outbreak, INTED2021 was successfully held as a virtual conference.
This year 2022, if the health conditions and travelling restrictions do not allow INTED2022 to be held in-person, the conference will be moved to a fully virtual format. Please, find more information here.
You can present your projects and experiences on education and innovation in any of the following formats:
- Virtual presentations
- Oral and poster presentations
The deadline for abstracts submission is 18th of November, 2021.
You can find the conference topics here.
- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation.
- Meet 700 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions.
- Publish your paper in INTED2022 Proceedings.
- INTED2022 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their inclusion in Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions were already accepted.
- An individual DOI number will be assigned for each accepted paper.
- Also, INTED2022 Proceedings will be included in IATED Digital Library.
This option will enable authors to submit their abstract and papers for INTED2022 Proceedings without attending the conference in-person.
Also, authors will be able to submit their virtual presentation files (slides, video or poster). These presentations will be uploaded onto the conference website and Technical Program.
Registered virtual authors will receive a virtual package (INTED2022 Proceedings, participation/author certificate, and conference materials) that will be sent by courier after the conference dates.
In order to promote a maximum interaction, different thematic chats, private chats and other networking live activities will be offered for virtual participants.
PROPOSE A SPECIAL SESSION If you want your own topic being covered, you are invited to propose a special session where you and your colleagues can share novel ideas and experiences and discuss them with the audience.
| BECOME AN EXHIBITOR Exhibit your products to more than 700 leading decision-makers, lecturers, educational researchers and practitioners in education and research from more than 80 different countries.